Man in education
Man in education

Human Resources

Technological innovations, changing labor markets and new laws and regulations are creating a dynamic work environment. HR faces challenges such as talent management in a tight labor market, promotion of diversity and inclusion, and implementation of flexible working models. Radboud University supports HR specialists with tools to lead this transition and promote a resilient work environment.

Continuing education as a foundation for change

HR professionals must increasingly become a strategic partner within their organizations. They must not only manage operational tasks, but also have a vision of how talent management contributes to broader business goals. This requires new knowledge and skills, such as data analysis, strategic thinking and change management. 

At Radboud University, we believe that HR professionals play a crucial role in the success of organizations. They have a direct impact on employee performance and well-being. Let us help you become a strategic partner that finds effective solutions to complex human resource issues. And respond to the growing need for continuous employee development.

Our courses, masterclasses and training programs are designed to provide knowledge about the latest trends and best practices in HR, as well as practical skills to apply this knowledge in practice. So that you can meet the challenges of the modern HR environment with confidence.

Woman teaches

Incompany and tailor-made

Are you looking for a specific program on sustainability, but our offerings don't quite match your demand? We also offer continuing education on a tailor-made and incompany basis. With our substantive expertise in the field of sustainability, we translate your goals into a flexible learning program that matches your organization's sustainability issues.

Discover the possibilities


Do you have any questions? Would you like study advice or coaching? Or are you interested in a tailor-made programme? We would be happy to help you! We are available from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am until 5 pm.

024 361 26 77


Radboud Academy
Houtlaan 4
6525 XZ Nijmegen

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