What is the RITHA Practitioner training?
For more than 25 years, Radboud University has offered the training to become an ECHA Specialist in Giftedness. The course has been intensively developed and evolved within the RadboudCSW into a state-of-the-art course in the field of giftedness: the Radboud International Training on High Ability, or RITHA for short. This training can be followed online or 'blended' in Nijmegen (Radboud University), Eindhoven (in collaboration with RINO Zuid), Rotterdam (in collaboration with CED) and Amsterdam (in collaboration with ABC).
Within the RITHA Practitioner program you will follow three educational blocks in twelve months on the fundamentals and core themes of and scientific insights about giftedness. You will also learn the skills needed to translate science into practice. Upon completion, you may decide to develop further within the RITHA Specialist program.
Upon completion of this training:
- You are familiar with the latest scientific insights in the field of giftedness;
- You are able to identify (sometimes not yet visible) possibilities and educational needs of the gifted and highly gifted;
- Do you have evidence-based skills to guide (highly) gifted children, adolescents or adults;
- Have new contacts and have expanded your professional network;
- You will receive the RITHA Certificate (Radboud University) and the ECHA Certificate (European Council for High Ability);
- Will be able to advance to the RITHA Specialist program.
Training location and language of instruction
The programmes scheduled in 2024 and 2025 in Amsterdam, Eindhoven and Nijmegen have an open registration and will be taught in Dutch. Abroad we work with international partners and institutes to offer the RITHA Training as an in-company training. If you are interested to train teachers, counselors or policy makers within your organisation to discover, recognize and challenge talents? Then please feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.