Why a Collaboration Between Radboud International Training on High Ability (RITHA) and Edux?
The collaboration between RITHA and Edux leverages the unique strengths and methodologies of both organizations. Radboud University, through RITHA, has developed an innovative blended education model that fosters practical developments grounded in scientific research. This approach combines a digital learning environment with ample opportunities for mutual interaction and exchange, supplemented by in-person seminars. The result is a dynamic learning community where knowledge and experiences are shared, and a robust network is established that extends beyond the duration of the programme.
Edux places a strong emphasis on the professional development of individuals. Edux innovates by focusing on talent, change, and growth. Drawing on extensive expertise at the individual, team, and organizational levels, Edux empowers professionals through customized solutions. The facilitation of an in-company programme aligns seamlessly with this approach.
What are the outcomes according to the participants?
- The in-company method ensures that theoretical discussions can be promptly translated into practical applications. What is discussed today can be tested tomorrow within the schools.
- In addition to training professionals, this method also fosters the development of a regional educational network and educational programmes.
- By addressing regional issues related to giftedness, participants establish a robust network of trained professionals who can continually engage in substantive discussions.
- The collective acquisition of knowledge and skills enhances support within an organization, extending beyond the training participants to other professionals. This broader base of support facilitates the implementation of new initiatives and strengthens the connection between theory and practice.
RITHA Practitioner
The professionals from the EDUX collaboration attended the in-company programme International Training on High Ability (RITHA) of Radboud University.