Groepsfoto AMID Young Professionals

A unique collaboration: AMID Young Professional in Nairobi

Since 2021, AMID Young Professional has partnered with the lnstitute for Development Studies (IDS), University of Nairobi (UoN). Together they are committed to an international group of AMID Young Professional trainees: in the Netherlands and Kenya, but also beyond. Dr Herbert Wamalwa, Prof Paul Kamau and Grace Muraya, involved in AMID Young Professional from IDS, on the value of this special collaboration.

This programme challenges the typical development approaches through diverse perspectives in both academia and practice. The dual nature of the program whereby the trainees work for four days a week and attend the academic program on Friday offers trainees an opportunity to combine both academia and practice hence helping in bridging this gap. The trainees bring into work meaningful conversation at the organisational level and most organisations work on adopting the new development approach challenge.

The modules cover critical topics in development that create critical thinkers in organisations.

The international classroom experience gives our Kenyan and other Africa-based trainees a great networking opportunity through the interaction with trainees from various countries and diverse organisa­tions. The programme is structured in such a way that 75% of learning is conducted virtually while 25% is face-to­face. The opportunity for the trainees to meet during the face-to-face sessesions has enhanced networking and enriched thinking and genera! approach to work, career, and personal life. The networks created are beneficia! at both profession and personal levels. 

We also find the design of the programme into four modules offering our trainees an all-rounded combina­tion of knowledge, skills, and attitude. The modules cover critical topics in development that create critical thinkers in organisations. Furthermore, the programme is learner­centered, having a practical approach in the delivery of the lectures. Having the trainees at the centre of the training gives them the opportunity to mold themselves into the change agents that AMID desires to nurture. The inte­gration of theory and practice manifests itself in written assignments which are integrated with the work that the trainees do in their organisations as well as current global development challenges. 

We find the AMID learning environment very rich for our trainees who are keen on different approaches in life. A very practical personal development support struc­ture has been integrated into the program which helps our trainees to develop personal and career goals. The peer-to-peer groups also help in the creation of a psycho­social support system for them during the AMID year and beyond. 

The design of the programme, splitted into four modules offers our trainees an all-rounded combina­tion of knowledge, skills, and attitude.

At the end of this AMID year, IDS will be graduating its third AMID Young Professional cohort. Looking back, it has been a refreshing experience where we have expanded our network by working with an array of inter­national as well as local organisations whom we partner with to deliver this programme. Through these amazing partnerships, we are now all together part of a world­wide multi-disciplinary network of government agencies, businesses, NGO foundations, and knowledge institutes which are part of the AMID community. 

Looking forward

Participation in training at AMID Young Professional anchors well within the mission of the Institute whose focus is 'to generate development knowledge, promote debate and encourage the utilization of research findings in postgraduate teaching and training and in shaping the growth of development thinking, theory, and practice with particular focus on Africa'.

Our experience in this collaboration is a big stride in achieving the desired growth as well as the creation of impact for trainees working in the development space. We look forward to a future where IDS will cement its role as a center of excellence in Africa offering a rich training and practical experience for young professionals who are in the development space and change agents. 


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