Man poseert in straat in Madrid

Radboud in'to Languages

We are Radboud University's expertise centre in language and communication. For anyone looking to professionalise by communicating better. In any language.

New course offerings

Foto van persoon op podium

Group course Storytelling; the power of stories

Start: 21 November

Twee personen aan het schrijven op laptop en papier.

Writing with or without AI?

Start: 3 or 10 December


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Contact information

Do you want to know how we can help? Feel free to fill in our contact form or visit us at our office on Radboud University's campus in Nijmegen. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.

Erasmus building

Erasmusplein 1, ground floor, room 00.28
6525 HT Nijmegen
Postbus 9103
6500 HD Nijmegen

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