Jonge vrouw poseert aan de Spaanse kust
Jonge vrouw poseert aan de Spaanse kust

Language courses

Would you like to expand your language knowledge? At In’to, you can learn 18 different languages. From English to Japanese, Spanish to Swedish and even Dutch Sign Language— always under the guidance of a qualified teacher.

Learn one of our 18 languages

In’to offers various ways to learn a language; from group courses held on campus or online to intensive programmes and tailor-made sessions for individuals or teams.

Different course types

You can learn a language with us in variety of ways: online, on-site or a combination of the two.

More about the course types

CEFR language levels

We use the CEFR language levels, A1 to C2, to indicate the final level of each course.

See what the language levels mean

What others say about our courses

The course felt like a natural conversation the whole time, that really made learning a fun experience.
Afbeelding van Marie-Sophie
Marie-Sophie Simon Student Read Marie-Sophie's story
People always hugely appreciate it when you make an effort to speak their language
Reinier Vuylsteke in heen restaurant in Latijns-Amerika
Reinier Vuylsteke Working in the sales department of the Hoogwegt Group Read Reinier's story

Do you need advice?

Do you have a question? Or would you like to discuss which course best suits your needs and starting level? Feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you out.

Contact us

024 361 21 59

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