Vrouw in Barcelona, Spanje

Useful Spanish phrases

¡Bienvenido! Do you want to speak Spanish for work, holidays or because you think it’s a wonderful language? We have listed some useful phrases for you for your first Spanish conversation.

Have a good day
Buenos días

Could you get me the menu?
¿Me trae la carta/menú por favor?
There are two words for menu: carta and menú

Could I get the bill, please?
La cuenta, por favor

Just looking, thanks
Gracias, solo estamos mirando

How much is it?
¿Cuánto cuesta?

I am from the Netherlands
Soy holandés/ soy holandesa

We’re going to visit the museum
Vamos al museo

I’m here on holiday
Estoy de vacaciones aquí

It’s warm today
Hace mucho calor hoy

¡Qué bien!

Want to learn more Spanish?

Reckon these phrases might come in handy during your next holiday? Want to know how to pronounce all the words and how to formulate your own sentences in Spanish? In short, do you really want to learn to speak Spanish? If so, we recommend taking a language course. In’to offers Spanish courses at various levels, from beginner to advanced.

After a Spanish language course for beginners, you will be able to:

  • understand simple words, expressions and sentences;
  • ask and answer short, simple questions;
  • follow simple conversations;
  • write short, simple sentences about personal matters.
Written by
A.A.M. van Paasen (Angela)
A.A.M. van Paasen (Angela)
Angela is Content creator at Radboud in’to Languages and regularly receives interesting information from In’to’s language and communication experts.