Radboud in'to Languages has a Blik op Werk quality label. This means you can use your DUO loan to pay for your NT2 course. To embark on a Dutch language course using your DUO loan, you must fulfil a number of terms and conditions and meet concrete deadlines.
Terms and conditions
1. Register for the intake assessment
Register as soon as possible for an intake assessment.
2. Register for the course
Depending on the outcome of your intake assessment, register for the course no later than 10 days before it starts on our website.
- You can indicate that DUO will pay on the registration form. The registration form will ask you who will pay the invoice. Here you must choose ‘Myself’. There is also an empty box where you can type a comment. Type ‘DUO’ here.
3. Send us information
Send the following information no later than 10 days before the start of the course by e-mail (info [at] into.ru.nl (info[at]into[dot]ru[dot]nl)):
- Your Citizen Service Number (BSN);
- The result of your online level test;
- You will be able to find a summary of what you can borrow and the date up to which that loan runs on your personal page at MijnInburgering. Make a screenshot or photo of this and e-mail it to us.
4. Sign your contract in the week preceding the course start
In the week before the course starts, you must sign a course contract.
Day courses
For the day courses, you must sign the contract at our office:
Where: Radboud in’to Languages, Erasmusplein 1, 6525 HT Nijmegen, ground floor, room 00.28.
If you do not come by to sign the contract on one of those days, we will cancel your registration. In that case, you will not be able to attend the course.
Evening courses and the online writing and speaking courses
For the evening courses and the online writing and speaking courses, you must sign the contract online. If you do not do so, we will also have to cancel your registration.