adopted by the Executive Board in January 2004, last amended in January 2014
Noting Article 3.16 of the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) for Dutch Universities, the employer lays down the following regulations.
Article 1 Definitions
In these regulations, the following definitions apply:
a. ERT: emergency response organisation of Radboud University Nijmegen;
b. ERT member: employee who has been appointed as an emergency response officer as referred to in Article 15, first paragraph of the 1998 Working Conditions Act (Arbeidsomstandighedenwet) and who is in possession of a valid certificate from the ERT training course or firefighter training course, or has been appointed as radio operator (communications);
c. First-aider: ERT member who is in possession of a full first aid diploma including reanimation certificate (or equivalent);
d. Breathing Apparatus Wearer: ERT member who is in possession of a valid Breathing Apparatus Wearer diploma;
e. Commander: an official who supervises a group of ERT members while deployed as an operational team;
f. ERT commandant or coordinator: the official responsible for the organisational work and who has command of all ERT groups;
g. ERT Head: the official appointed by or on behalf of the Executive Board as the person ultimately responsible for setting up and maintaining an adequate ERT organisation;
h. Rapid Intervention Team: small team of specialist ERT experts intended to be on location within minutes to take effective measures in all emergencies;
i. HSE prevention officer: employee who has been designated as Health, Safety and Environment contact person: supports the supervisor in their responsibility for proper and safe working conditions.
Article 2 Payments
If and to the extent that the task involved is not part of their regular position
a. an ERT member will receive a basic allowance of €288 gross per year;
b. a First-aider will receive an additional payment of €108 gross per year, in addition to the basic allowance;
c. a Breathing Apparatus Wearer will receive an additional payment of €108 gross per year, in addition to the basic allowance;
d. an ERT member, who is a member of a Rapid Intervention Team, will receive an additional payment of €108 gross per year, in addition to the basic allowance;
e. a Commander will receive an additional payment of €214 gross per year, in addition to the basic allowance;
f. the Commandant/Coordinator will receive an additional payment of €321 gross per year, in addition to the basic allowance;
g. the ERT Head will receive an additional payment of €431 gross per year, in addition to the basic allowance;
h. an HSE prevention officer will receive a basic allowance of €288 gross per year.
Article 3 ERT overtime payment
An ERT member who performs ERT work outside their stipulated working hours will receive payment on an hourly basis derived from the maximum of salary scale 7 of the CAO (Collective Labour Agreement) for Dutch Universities.
Article 4 Transitional provisions for non-ERT first-aider allowance
Active first-aiders appointed before 1 January 2004 who are not members of the ERT will receive a monthly allowance of €13.07 per month, if and to the extent that this task is not part of their regular position.
Article 5 Payment
The payments listed in articles 2 and 4 are payable annually in December, adjusted once every three years to the general salary adjustments as stipulated in the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) for Dutch Universities and rounded to the euro.
Article 6 Entry into force
This scheme shall enter into force on 1 January 2004.
- Qualitative differences between ERT members are shown primarily in the level and intensity of their training. By linking the level of the service bonus in part to the courses that have been followed, qualitative differences between ERT members can be remunerated at individual level. An ERT member must be in possession of a valid certificate from an ERT training course and/or a firefighter course. Depending on a building’s risk profile, the ERT Head will determine how many and which members of the ERT organisation should be in possession of the Breathing Apparatus Wearer and/or First Aid diploma (or equivalent). ERT members with an organic firefighter training will be automatically designated Breathing Apparatus Wearer.
- A distinction can certainly be made between ERT and HSE tasks with respect to their level, but it is not thought desirable to continue to apply a distinction between the ERT and HSE remuneration levels. The more so now, since it has been decided that the organisation and the remuneration scheme for ERT and HSE link up, as the employee generally performs these tasks in addition to their primary tasks.
- The anniversary bonus has been done away with simultaneously with adjusting the annual service bonus; the anniversary bonus is deemed to have been factored into the annual bonus.
- The specific overtime payment for performing ERT work outside normal working hours has been retained: ERT members are obliged to participate in refresher courses, including outside normal working hours, and have to be present among other things at major events.
- Payment for participating in competitions organised by the Dutch Association of Emergency Response Officers (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Bedrijfshulpverlening - NVB) has been done away with: ERT members at Radboud University have never participated. Quite apart from this, participating in competitions is regarded as participating in refresher courses, exercises and other activities, so that the knowledge and skills are maintained at the required level.
- The hourly payment for the instructor has been done away with. Instruction will be provided by the Department of Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Service (AMD) or a contracted (external) organisation.
- If an employee carries out important work or performs outstanding service in the context of the ERT and/or HSE that results in the limitation or prevention of damage to Radboud University, this may be grounds for the employer to award a service bonus to the employee concerned on the basis of Article 3.20 of the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO).
First Aid:
- Providing first aid has been part of the duties of the ERT teams since the introduction of the 1998 Working Conditions Act (Arbeidsomstandighedenwet). However, it is reasonable to award a payment to employees previously appointed as accredited first-aiders and who have not joined an ERT team, for as long as they continue to make themselves available as active first-aiders. As no new first-aiders will be appointed outside the ERT organisation, the number of employees with a right to a payment of this sort will decline over the years ahead. From 1 January 2004, the payment will no longer apply to employees for whom the first-aid diploma is stipulated as a requirement for their regular position.
Payment Adjustment:
- The payments shown in articles 2 and 4 will be adjusted once every three years to the general salary adjustments as stipulated in the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) for Dutch Universities and rounded to the euro. As the payments were last changed on 1 January 2023, the next adjustment will occur from 1 January 2026.