Request OV subscriptions via TC&O Mobydesk

Radboud University is affiliated with the transport coordination centre TC&O Mobydesk, from which Radboud University employees can purchase NS (Dutch Railways) and bus subscriptions at discounted rates. TC&O Mobydesk has a direct debit payment option which allows you to spread the annual costs of your pass over a maximum of twelve months.

You can request information wether and if so which pass is the most suitable for you, depending on your personal situation, at TC&O Mobydesk. Visit and log in with username: runi and password: keizernijm to request advice regarding a customised pass and applying for an OV-business card. You can register an account and use the “Request OV advice” button to request personalised advice 'uzelf aanmelden'. If you have used TC&O Mobydesk before, you can log in to your mobility portal and request advice there.

The Advantages of TC&O Mobydesk:

  1. TC&O Mobydesk issues OV-business cards to employees. The OV-business card is a personal OV-chip card and costs of creation and provision shall be borne by the university;
  2. TC&O Mobydesk gives you map recommendations, so that you can better estimate the travel method that is most efficient for you;
  3. TC&O Mobydesk makes the ordering process with carriers (NS/Connexxion) easier for you, even for refunds and duplicate requests;
  4. TC&O Mobydesk offers a more flexible refund scheme for your subscription: for example, you can immediately stop the subscription when your employment comes to an end. That cuts costs for you;
  5. Via TC&O mobydesk, you will receive a monthly invoice in arrears with your incurred public transport costs;
  6. TC&O Mobydesk allows you to easily print out the required information for your trips, so that you can claim them as business-related travel.

Applying for an OV Business card

An OV Business card can only take effect on the first of the month. You therefore need to order your OV Business card before the 13th of the month. If you order after the 13th of the month, the subscription will start one month later. In the meantime, you can claim your commuting expenses incurred on your personal OV card via BASS.