About the institute (FFTR)

How do people deal with death? What is the best form of democracy? What does the popularity of Buddhism say about our society? The Research Institute for Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies is of social significance through its scientific research into fundamental problems.

Mission and vision

The research institute FTR is rooted in Radboud University's history of emancipation. Through the unique combination of philosophy, theology and religious studies within one institute, it makes a crucial contribution to shaping the university's mission 'A Significant Impact'. It is precisely this combination that makes it possible to study fundamental social problems. The research institute FTR wants to contribute to a sustainable, free world with equal opportunities for all and works from the core values of responsibility and commitment.

Research office

Prof. dr. Carla Rita Palmerino
(research director)

Drs. Sanna van Roosmalen
(research policy officer)

Contact research office

Organisational unit

Affiliated institutions

Logo van het IvOC




Een schilderij waarop vertegenwoordigers van verschillende religies in een kring zitten


Een glas in lood van de heilige St. Irenaeus

St Irenaeus Orthodox Theologisch Instituut

St. Irenaeus
Nijmeegse hoogleraar en priester Titus Brandsma heilig verklaard

Titus Brandsma Instituut