Spinoza Prize & Stevin Prize

The NWO Spinoza Prize and Stevin Prize are awarded annually and are the most important scientific prizes in the Netherlands. The Spinoza Prize goes to scientific breakthroughs, the Stevin Prize is for research and researchers with a major social impact. The following Radboud University professors have acquired a Stevin or Spinoza Prize.

Prof. Dr. Bas Bloem (2022) - Stevin Prize

Professor of neurological movement disorders at Nijmegen's Radboudumc, is the world's number one expert on parkinson's disease. He developed ParkinsonNet, nationally and internationally the leading model of care for people with this chronic disease. He is an out-of-the-box thinker, maintains an impressive international network, insists on patient participation, exhorts politicians and policy makers to action, and develops innovative products with technology companies to improve parkinson's care.

Prof. Klaas Landsman (2022) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Mathematical Physics at Radboud University in Nijmegen. He uniquely combines research at the interface between mathematics and physics with deep insights into the foundations, history and philosophy of physics. This interdisciplinary character of his work is innovative and represents a breakthrough in the cooperation between widely divergent disciplines.

Prof. Dr. Bart Jacobs (2021) - Stevin Prize

Professor of Security, Privacy and Identity at Radboud University Nijmegen, delves tirelessly into things you would sometimes rather not hear, but need to know. He demonstrated vulnerabilities in the public transport chip card, bank cards, voting computers, 'smart' meters and car keys, and in countless databases with private data. From his mathematical background, he also develops secure alternatives, such as the app IRMA that allows you to log in privacy-friendly.

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Huck (2016) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Physical-Organic Chemistry. His work focuses on research into the physical, chemical and biological processes taking place in human cells. Knowledge of the workings of this complex whole he puts to use, among other things, in the search for one of the holy grails within his field: making a synthetic cell.

Prof. Dr. Mihai Netea (2016) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of experimental internal medicine. Without an immune system, we are mercilessly at the mercy of pathogens around us. Mihai Netea is one of the leading scientists in research on the immune system. He tries to fathom how our body recognizes pathogens and fights them properly. His discovery of the "trained immune system" is groundbreaking.

Prof. Mikhail Katsnelson (2013) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Theory of Solid State Physics at Radboud University. Mikhail Katsnelson receives the 2013 NWO Spinoza Prize for his work on the theory of the physics of solids in general and graphene in particular.

Prof. dr. ir. Mike Jetten (2012) - Spinoza Prize

Prof. Dr. ir. Mike Jetten (1962) is professor of ecological microbiology at Radboud University Nijmegen and a leading researcher in the field. His research has led to radical new insights. He has shown that bacteria actually use reactions previously considered 'impossible' as a source of energy. For example, Jetten discovered that under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen) the anammox bacterium (ANaerobic AMMonium OXidizing) converts the harmful ammonium together with nitrite into nitrogen gas and water. 

Prof. Dr. Ieke Moerdijk (2012) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Algebra and Topology at Radboud University, received the 2012 NWO Spinoza Prize for his research in the field of topology and mathematical logic. Moerdijk is one of the first mathematicians in the world to have explored the boundaries and connections between these two seemingly so different subfields from the heart of mathematics, with surprising results relevant to other disciplines, such as computer science.

Prof. Dr. Heino Falcke (2011) - Spinoza Prize

Conducts research on black holes, perhaps the most mysterious objects in the universe. He engages in theoretical research as well as observational and experimental astronomy. This produces creative ideas that offer new insight into fundamental questions in particle physics and astrophysics.

Professor Theo Rasing (2008) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Spectroscopy of Solids and Boundary Surfaces at the Institute for Molecules and Materials. Rasing is a leading pioneer in developing new techniques to study and manipulate materials at the nanometer scale with light. His most recent and successful research is on manipulation of magnetism with light.

Prof. Carl Figdor (2006) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Experimental Immunology Radboud University and Professor of Cell Biophysics University of Twente, director of the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences. Received the NWO Spinoza Prize for his pioneering research on the use of immune cells against cancer and for the way he knows how to translate fundamental research to the patient's bedside.

Prof. Dr. Peter Hagoort (2005) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and director of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, received the prize because of his research into human language ability and the way he has led the Donders Institute to world fame in five years.

Prof. Henk Barendregt (2002) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science, received the prize for his outstanding achievements in the field of mathematics, logic and computer science. He gained international reputation for pioneering work on the so-called lambda calculus. This is a language in which mathematicians write down and study algorithms.

Prof. Dr. Bert Meijer (2001) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Organic Chemistry at TU Eindhoven and Radboud University. He is the founder of macro-organic chemistry, the area between 'ordinary' organic chemistry of small molecules and macromolecular chemistry (polymer chemistry).

Prof. Anne Cutler (1999) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Comparative Language Psychology and director of the Nijmegen-based Max Planck Institut für Psycholinguïstik. She received the Spinoza Prize for her language comparative research and her research on the language development of babies. She founded the Baby Research Center in Nijmegen, with facilities for behavioral observation and for EEG research.

Prof. Pieter Muysken (1998) - Spinoza Prize

Professor of Linguistics, affiliated with the Centre for Language studies. When receiving his award, Muysken was still affiliated with Leiden University.  He was internationally recognized as a leader in creolistics and the related fields of bilingualism, language acquisition and sociolinguistics.