What did you want to be as a child?
‘A soldier. The profession fascinated me hugely, even though no one in the family was in the army. I did whatever it took to become a soldier; I put together my curriculum in secondary school based on that goal. I was in the army for around 14 years. Then I noticed that, for me personally, I had gotten everything out of it that I could. It was time for something different. I’ve been working at KLM since 2001, where I ended up after a neighbour told me about them as an employer really enthusiastically. Working with people in a dynamic environment appealed to me tremendously.’
What does a Vice President of Operations Control do at KLM?
‘I’m responsible for KLM’s day-to-day operations. We currently fly to approximately 167 destinations around the world, with roughly the same number of aircraft. This means all kinds of things happen on the planes, with the planes and at the destinations themselves. The question that concerns us as a department is: ‘How do we ensure that we are doing as much as we can to deliver on the promises we make to customers?’ So: how do we ensure we get people from A to B in the promised way? I’m primarily responsible for the department’s development: where are we going as a team? What do technological developments mean for us? I also manage practical constraints: are there enough resources, such as aircraft and stewards, to deliver on what is promised to customers?’