Louis Henry Award for HDSC
Louis Henry Award for HDSC

Louis Henry Award for Historical Database of Suriname and the Caribbean

For the article Slavery in Suriname. A Reconstruction of Life Courses, 1830–1863, the Historical Database of Suriname and the Caribbean (HDSC) team has won the biannual Louis Henry Award of the European Society of Historical Demography as the most innovative paper published in the field in the last two years. The article was recently published in Historical Life Course Studies and is available open access. Writing it was a team effort by Coen van Galen, Rick Mourits, Matthias Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Maartje A.B., Jasmijn Janssen, Thunnis van Oort, Björn Quanjer, and Jan Kok.

The biannual Louis Henry Award is established by the European Society of Historical Demography to recognise methodological innovations in data collection, constructions of historical population databases, dissemination of data to the international research communities, visualisation or analysis. The Award ceremony took place at the fifth Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography in Nijmegen (August 30-September 1, 2023).