Etages Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen
Etages Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen

NWO Veni grant for research into frontline workers

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant to ten young researchers at Radboud University. With this grant of up to 280.000 euro they can further elaborate their own ideas during a period of three years. One of these excellent researchers is dr. Shelena Keulemans, assistant professor of Public Administration.

Psychological safety of frontline workers: towards better public service

Frontline workers need psychological safety—the belief that they are safe to take interpersonal risks at work—to learn from their mistakes and provide better public service to citizens. Absence of psychological safety poses a threat to the responsible, accountable exercise of public authority. Yet we know surprisingly little about frontline workers’ psychological safety, which factors affect it, and how psychological safety influences their responsiveness to citizen needs. This project combines different theoretical perspectives and methods (ethnography, survey data, and vignette experiment) to examine psychological safety at the frontlines, uncovering pathways to better public service.

Contact information

For further information, please contact the researcher involved or team Science communication via +31 24 361 6000 or media [at] (media[at]ru[dot]nl).

Organizational unit
Public Administration