Surprising discovery
While studying how lattice vibrations driven at resonance can affect magnetization in an iron garnet, the team of researchers – Maxime Gidding, Thom Janssen, Carl Davies and Andrei Kirilyuk - saw something peculiar. Within nanoseconds after the arrival of a strong pump pulse from a cavity-dumped free electron laser at FELIX, sharp ripples of switched magnetization could be seen propagating outwards from the center of the irradiated spot (see figure).
Despite the fact that the pump spot is nearly homogeneous, this pattern of switched magnetization has very small feature sizes, on the order of micrometers. Such a small pattern, stemming from a much larger excitation, should simply not exist. Further work revealed that it is formed by a strong interaction of spins with the crystal lattice, forming special particles, called magnon-polarons, that coherently interact and condense into the pattern of switched magnetization.