Person wearing a safety mask
Person wearing a safety mask

Project Wrap-Up Improving Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration in Public Health Crisis Management

Simon Lohse recently completed a project on policy advice during the COVID-19 crisis. His team and collaborators developed ideas to improve evidence-based (public health) policy.

The project ran from 2021-2023 (funded by Volkswagen Foundation) and examined the insufficient interplay between the natural and the social sciences in pandemic policy advice. The team around ISiS' Simon Lohse and Jörn Knobloch (postdoc in Lübeck) cooperated with Karim Bschir (St. Gallen) and Stefano Canali (Milan) to conduct a high-resolution analysis of political and epistemological challenges related to inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge integration in the pandemic context and beyond. The project identified key advantages of adopting a pluralistic approach to policy advice across various levels and formulated strategies for its effective implementation.

Key project output

Bschir, K. & Lohse, S. 2023 “Taking Pluralism Seriously: A New Perspective on Evidence-Based Policy”. Science & Public Policy.

Bschir, K., Knobloch, J. & Lohse, S. 2023. “Post-COVID-19: Auf dem Weg zu einem integrativen Modell der wissensbasierten Politikberatung [Post-COVID-19: Towards an integrative model of knowledge-based policy advice]”. In: Wissensproduktion und Wissenstransfer in Zeiten der Pandemie [Knowledge production and transfer in times of pandemic], ed. R. Hauswald & P. Schmechtig. Alber: 81-116.

Bschir, K. & Lohse, S. 2022. “Pandemics, Policy, and Pluralism. A Feyerabend-inspired Perspective on COVID-19”. Synthese 200, 441.

Lohse, S. & Canali, S. 2021. “Follow the Science? On the (Marginal) Role of the Social Sciences in the COVID-19 pandemic”. European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (99).

Contact information

For more information, please get in touch with Simon Lohse.

Organizational unit
Institute for Science in Society