Infographic meertaligheid in beeld
Infographic meertaligheid in beeld

Bilingualism in the picture

Three educational animations about bilingualism for primary school pupils, parents and teachers!
Project type

Bilingualism is a hot topic, one which is increasingly the subject of conversation in many primary schools. To facilitate this conversation, we have created three short animations about bilingualism for primary school children (aged 6 through 12 years) and their teachers. Our hope is that by watching these animations, they will actively experience how fascinating and omnipresent bilingualism is. The animations can also be used by teachers and health professionals to give information about bilingualism to parents in a way which is easy to understand, readily accessible, and available in bite-sized chunks.

Clip 1 - We're all a bit bilingual

The aim of the first animation is to make bilingualism a topic of conversation. What is bilingualism actually? By discussing various types of bilingualism, we try to appeal to as many students as possible.

Dutch | Nederlands
Pools | Polski
Turks | Türk
Arabisch | عربي

Clip 2 - What's it like growing up with two languages

In the second animation we show what it’s like to grow up as a bilingual child. What does it really mean to be bilingual? Do you always know the same words in both languages? And what are the pros and cons of growing up bilingually?

Dutch | Nederlands
Polish | Polski
Turkish | Türk
Arabic | عربي

Clip 3 - A multilingual mishmash in your head

In the third animation we zoom in on the head of a bilingual child. Can you 'turn off' one language when you speak or hear the other? And how come people who are bilingual sometimes switch from one language to the other?

Dutch | Nederlands
Polish | Polski
Turkish | Türk
Arabic | عربي


This project came about through funds made available through the annual popularisation award of the National Research School of Linguistics.


The script for Multilingualism in Pictures was written by Sharon Unsworth and Gerrit Jan Kootstra with help from Kees Oerlemans and Jan van Baren-Nawrocka and voiced by Susanne Brouwer.

The animations were developed by Kees Oerlemans and drawn by Kees Oerlemans and Leon Lukassen.

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