Research projects
Missing Dutch Girls
This project focuses on patterns and determinants of excess mortality among Dutch girls between 1 and 15 between 1864 and 1930.
Endowed chair "Orthodoxy, Human Rights, Peace Studies”
One of the Chair’s main focus points of research is the exploration of conflicts, differences, but also intersections and potentials for mutual enrichment between the concept of human rights and patterns of the Orthodox theological tradition.
Circulating representations of slavery: How 18th-century readers accessed books about and by the enslaved
This research focuses on how European readers gained access to information about transatlantic slavery and how this information was disseminated through various literary and print forms during the 18th century.
Defense and Depression: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Change.
This project aims to examine the stability of defenses, different categorizations, and explore how changes in defenses relate to shifts in depressive symptoms during therapy.
'A failed kopie after the Englisch model?’
This project examines the role the British constitution played in the history of Dutch political constitutional law between 1812 and 1983.
Handbook on cross-border conversion, merger and division
This handbook (volume 130-3) deals with cross-border conversion, merger and demerger, covering tax aspects, employee participation, and the position of shareholders, among others.
Workload in judiciary
This study identifies the ways in which criminal and immigration judges deal with high workloads and assesses those strategies against the professional standards for judges.
AI and Simulations for Decoding the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Immune Responses
Microscopes allow scientists to film cell movement. This project is working on developing AI to improve analysis of cell movement videos.
PhD research Otis Tromp: The changing role of reasonableness and fairness in company law
Otis Tromp is writing a PhD dissertation with the working title "De veranderde rol van de redelijkheid en billijkheid in het vennootschapsrecht."
Platform Oosters Christendom
The Platform Oosters Christendom is a news service focusing on various aspects of the lives of Eastern and Oriental Christianity, churches and cultures in the Netherlands and worldwide.
The private client accounts of the Leiden booksellers firm Luchtmans (1683-1848)
This project examines the private client accounts lists of the Leiden-based booksellers firm Luchtmans (1683-1848) to explore book acquisition patterns and community formation.
Picking Up the Pieces. Private libraries, Trauma and Transitional Justice in Postrevolutionary Paris
This project examines the restitution of private book collections confiscated in Paris during the French Revolution.
Business as Usual
This PhD project revolves around the business correspondence of early modern merchants in the Low Countries.
PhD research Manon Hermans: The administrative body concept as a systemic concept in General Administrative Law
M. Hermans' research concerns the government concept in administrative law. The question is how ‘government’ in this area of law should be given legal form. The focus here is on the ‘administrative body’ from the General Administrative Law Act.
Children's Self-Assessment During Creative Problem Solving
This project explores how children's self-assessment during creative problem solving differs and can be explained from learner characteristics. Teacher interventions will be developed to improve children’s self-assessment accuracy.
Metamodern Reading in the EFL Classroom
This research investigates how insights into the current zeitgeist can contribute to English as a Foreign Language literature education and foster more engaged readers in the upper levels of secondary school in the Netherlands.
Fundamentality in Physics and Metaphysics
The general aim of this project is to bring together perspectives on fundamentality from physics, philosophy of physics, and metaphysics in order to investigate the different dimensions of fundamentality in each.
Ethiopian icon collection
IvOC has a collection of Ethiopian icons that bring Biblical stories to life, depict parables, show God, angels or saints, also images that depict the religious life of monks or show daily scenes.
The influence of the network approach to mental problems on scientific and self-understanding
In this project, Nina de Boer researches the possibilities and limits of conceptions of psychological problems as multidimensional networks.
Rest, Recover, and Work from Home
In this project, we are developing and testing a remote work guideline that assists in making informed decisions about whether or not to work from home during return to work trajectories for employees on sick leave.