Research projects
The influence of the network approach to mental problems on scientific and self-understanding
In this project, Nina de Boer researches the possibilities and limits of conceptions of psychological problems as multidimensional networks.
Rest, Recover, and Work from Home
In this project, we are developing and testing a remote work guideline that assists in making informed decisions about whether or not to work from home during return to work trajectories for employees on sick leave.
Distrust in Expertise: A Philosophical Investigation
This project investigates our tendencies to (dis)trust specific sources of information.
The influence of social media affordances on adolescents’ need satisfaction
This project investigates which and how social media affordances influence the need satisfaction of young adolescents.
Can chatbots understand language?
In this project, we will investigate to what extent chatbots can truly understand language by looking at the extent to which they are able to go beyond mere literal word usage and understanding.
The place and function of party autonomy in the determination of facts by the administrative law judge
This study maps the actual and desirable degree of party autonomy based on an internal law comparison with civil procedural law, empirical research, and principles of justice.
Anonymous witness evidence in tax procedural law
In this PhD research project, Fleur Kossen - supervised by Diana van Houten and Henny Sackers - investigates the use of anonymous witness evidence in tax procedural law.
Chinese audiobook listening study- Dutch participants wanted
In this experiment, you will sit back comfortably and listen to an audiobook in Chinese mandarin, make your best guess what is happening in the story.
SpeakUp!2.0 studie – deelnemers gezocht
Heb je spreekangst? Doe mee met onze studie! Wij willen onderzoeken of het toevoegen van hersenstimulatie de effecten van exposuresessies voor spreekangst kan verbeteren.
The employment contract now: does today's more heterogeneous group of workers require differentiation of the now uniform employment contract?
This project addresses a crisis of labour law core functions by reassessing both the basic principle and core function of labour law. Furthermore, this project contributes to the development of labour law scholarship.
Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Depression: Efficacy, Predictors, and Moderators
Within this project, Frederik Wienicke explores the efficacy of STPP for depression through individual data meta-analysis.
PhD research S. Arntz: The right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment: towards a new Dutch constitutional law?
This study describes the extent to which the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment is protected in the Netherlands and examines what the Netherlands can learn from the considerations and choices made by other countries.
Semi-public Corporate Law
This research project focuses on corporate law within the semi-public domain (healthcare, education, culture, and housing corporations).
The Affective and Emotional ‘Vibe’ of Urban Places
It is often forgotten that it is actually our affective experience which determines how we evaluate, appreciate, and deal with the places in which are and act. This research project determines how these affects are emerging and created.
Matching of objectives of Solvency II and EU with the required capital calculation by insurance companies using internal models
This research project concentrates on how the risk-based capital calculation with internal models as prompted by regulations and applied in practice, matches with the objectives of the Solvency II legislation.
Explaining relationships between animal and biodiversity governance
This project aims to explain the relationships and effectiveness of animal and biodiversity governance systems using an Integrative Governance framework.
MKB Datalab-Oost
MKB Datalab-Oost is an initiative of Radboud University and University of Twente and helps SMEs and (semi-)government institutions in the East Netherlands region to do smarter business with AI and data.
Play a communication game study – participants needed
How would you communicate with other people without actually talking to them? In this study, we investigate how social anxiety impacts the ability to interact with others, using a computer-based, non-verbal communication game.
MEG studie: Creatief met woorden – deelnemers gezocht
Tijdens dit MEG experiment moet je werkwoorden verzinnen op basis van woorden die je op het scherm ziet. We zullen tijdens deze taak jouw breinactiviteit meten met de MEG, een apparaat die de kleine magnetische velden van je hersenen kan meten.
Supporting the Transfer of Computational Thinking in Primary School
This research project explores how primary students can transfer computational thinking from programming to other subjects, like mathematics.