open books
open books

Metamodernism / Glocal Metamodernisms

1 January 2018 until 31 January 2023
Project member(s)
Dr D. Kersten (Dennis) Dr U.M. Wilbers (Usha) , Prof. Antony Rowland (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Project type

During our first AHRC-funded network (2018-19), which was prepared for with an expert meeting about the resurfacing of Modernism at Radboud University (Oct. 2015), we explored the manifestation of the structure of feeling called “Metamodernism” in contemporary fiction and poetry, together with scholars and artists from predominantly European countries.

Aiming to bring together colleagues working on artistic (esp. literary) responses to the perceived demise of Postmodernism in the arts and culture more generally, we co-organised conferences at Manchester, Keele, Oslo and Nijmegen. Recordings of these were published on the purpose-built network website hosted by Manchester Metropolitan University.

In our follow-up network (2021-23) we will continue our investigation of the legacies of Modernism and Postmodernism in present-day literature, but with a special focus on how the ways in which “Metamodernism” manifests itself in writing may differ from one cultural context to another.

Taking “glocal Metamodernisms” as our new focal point, we will involve scholars and artists from outside the European context in our project and organise academic meetings as well as impact events in Australia, the US and South Africa.

The new network has got off to a successful start at Radboud University (Oct. 2021) with a public event about the question of how developments in contemporary Dutch literature may be linked to international trends like the emergence of Metamodernism as a new cultural dominant.

More information on the AHRC Metamodernism Reseach Network website.


Publications and papers (Kersten & Wilbers only):

Kersten, D. and Wilbers, U.M. (forthcoming). “Down in the Metamodernist Plain: Tracing a Twenty-First-Century Structure of Feeling in NW and How to Be Both.”

Kersten, D. (2021) “Van clusterfuck tot autoseks: hoe Rob van Essen ons voorbij het postmodernisme (ver)voert.” Culture Weekly, 10 April 2021.

Kersten, D. and Wilbers, U.M. (2020). “A Tale of Two Labels. The Use of ‘Modernism’ and ‘Avant Garde’ in the Reception of Tom McCarthy’s C.” Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History, 12 (1), 21-37.

Kersten, D. and Wilbers, U.M. (2018). “A Tale of Two Labels: The Use of ‘Modernism’ and ‘Avant Garde’ in the Reception of Tom McCarthy’s C.” Third AHRC Metamodernism symposium, Oslo, 21 September 2018.

Kersten, D. and Wilbers, U.M. (2018). “Introduction. Metamodernism.” English Studies, 99 (7), 719-722.


Kersten, D. and Wilbers, U.M. (2021). Public debate: “Nederlandse literatuur na het postmodernisme.” Radboud University, 29 October 2021.

Kersten, D., Rowland, A. and Wilbers, U.M. (2021) Network business meeting and symposium. Radboud University/ Zoom, 27 October 2021.

Kersten, D. and Wilbers, U.M. (2021). Expert meeting: “Het postmodernisme is dood, leve de Nederlandse literatuur.” Radboud University, 22 October 2021.

Kersten, D., Rowland, A. and Wilbers, U.M. (2019) Network business meeting and symposium. Arendsnest, Amsterdam, 28 October 2019.

Kersten, D., Rowland, A. and Wilbers, U.M. (2019). International conference and concluding network event: “Metamodernism.” Radboud University, 3-5 July 2019.

Kersten, D., Rowland, A. and Wilbers, U.M. (2018). Third AHRC network symposium. University of Oslo, 21 September 2018.

Kersten, D., Rowland, A. and Wilbers, U.M. (2018). Second AHRC network symposium. Keele University, 9 May 2018.

Kersten, D., Rowland, A. and Wilbers, U.M. (2018). First AHRC network symposium. Manchester Metropolitan University, 31 January 2018.

Recordings of events can be found on the network website.


Arts and Humanities Research Council
