Back to School, Sam Balye, Unsplash
Back to School, Sam Balye, Unsplash

Nachbarsprache & Buurcultuur

2017 until 2021
Project member(s)
Prof. P.L.M. Sars (Paul) H. Meredig (Henning) MA Dr S. Jentges (Sabine) J. Plainer (Julia) MA , Esmé Ratering , Jana Hermann , Dr Eva Knopp , Pim Oortgiesen , Dr Ute Boonen , Pia Awater , Prof. Heike Roll , Tina Konrad , Kathleen Benninghof
Project type

The 'Nachbarsprache & buurcultuur' project was launched with the aim of supporting secondary schools in exchange programmes between German and Dutch schools.

The project 'Nachbarsprache & buurcultuur' was launched by Radboud University and the University of Duisburg-Essen with the aim of supporting secondary schools in exchange programmes between German and Dutch schools. These exchanges enabled participating students to develop a regional and a European identity. The project was funded by the European Union's Interreg V programme. The project was active from 2017 to 2021.


  • Promotion and enhancement of lessons in German language and culture;
  • Strengthening of transnational contacts between students;
  • Promotion of students' interest in the neighbouring language and culture;
  • Development of mutual understanding;
  • Preparing students for an international future through direct contact with the neighbouring language and culture.

Teaching material

The teaching material of Nachbarsprache can be found here:

Teaching material


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