Research projects
Long-term employment consequences of informal caregiving
In this project, we will describe and explain the long-term employment consequences of informal caregiving for caregivers in different life stages.
ICT-competency and inequality in student performance
We examine the role that aspects of information and communication technology (ICT) play in inequalities between family background and gender in educational outcomes.
Breaking Into the Boys’ Club
This project collects unique data among the general workforce to provide new insights into the roles of unequal network composition and returns as explanations for gender disparities in career success.
Understanding old-age inequality
The impact of work, family and health trajectories on post-retirement economic, social and psychological well-being across Europe
Evangelical Protestants in the year 2020: Community, Identity and Belief
This project aims to gain a better understanding of this particular group of more orthodox, devout believers.
Intercultural difficulties in primary mental health care with Turkish patients
This project aims to study intercultural difficulties in the relationship between Dutch GPs, POH-GGZ and Turkish patients. The aim of this project is to improve communication in this context and provide culturally sensitive mental health care.
Ethnographic research project that analyses the role of brokerage (the social mechanism of mediation between different groups or levels in society) in urban governance, citizen participation and initiatives, and impact on state/citizen relations
Resilient Indonesian Slums Envisioned (RISE)
To help slums in Indonesia become more resilient to the threat of water-related disasters, social scientists at the RISE project develop inclusive solutions on the basis of research into social-ecological interactions
Is Islamic religiosity a friend or foe of democracy and emancipation?
Islam is often said to be anti-democratic. By combining new and existing data, the researchers aim to gain new insights and redefine this perception.