Research projects
From Mediator to Anchorer
This project examines scribal traditions and clerical practices deriving from the Graeco-Roman Levant in the Umayyad and early Abbasid empires.
The Emperor's New Praise
This project analyses the different traditions to which Pliny the Younger (61 - ca. 113) anchors his Panegyricus and the way he exploits loci communes to do so.
The Art of Teaching
This project focuses on this literary character of Greek ‘didactic epic’. These poems are an intersection of contemporary scientific learning, literary aesthetics, and the epic-didactic tradition, against the background of the Roman Empire.
Waalpaintings aims to make Nijmegen's rich history visible again in a series of fifteen murals at locations in the inner city.
Mapping the Via Appia
The research project ‘Mapping the Via Appia’, aims at a thorough inventory and analysis of the Roman and later interventions in the suburban landscape.
Limes and Legion
For most of the existence of the Western Roman Empire, the river Rhine served as its northwestern boundary. Legionary fortresses, auxiliary forts and watchtowers were scattered along the left bank, from Remagen in the south up to the North Sea coast
Early Christian martyr acts in Latin
This project aims at presenting a bilingual edition of two crucial early Christian texts from the late 2nd century in the genre of martyr acts: the Acta Martyrum Scillitanorum and the Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis.
Cicero’s complete letters in Dutch
This large project aims at translating and briefly annotating all extant letters by the great Roman politician, orator, and author Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43). Some of his letters have been translated into Dutch.
Anchoring Innovation
The ancient Greeks and Romans were great innovators, not only in the realm of technology but also in other human domains, such as literature, politics and religion. How did those innovations take place?
Humour in Late Antiquity
In this project, the role of humour in late antiquity is investigated with a keen eye on the difference between dogmatic objections and everyday practice.
An edition with translation and commentary in Dutch of the epigraphical poetry of pope Damasus (366-384).
The development of an online, open access database of the bibliographical information on and (gradually) the content of Dutch translations of Latin and oriental patristic texts.
An Anti-Eastern Ideology in Athenian World Heritage?
This project envisions to enrich the study of classical archaeology and ancient history, and more widely, the field of cultural heritage studies by offering new insights into the Acropolis as an important symbol of cultural heritage.
Roman imperial portraits
This project aims to analyse if there are modes to automatically recognize the identity of a Roman imperial portrait and create a digital map which shows the development of Roman imperial portraits throughout approximately 600 years.
The Marzuolo Archaeological Project
Using targeted excavation, spatial and scientific data analysis, 3D-modelling and material studies, this project aims to highlight the potential of Podere Marzuolo to function as a paragon of the varied nature of Roman rural settlement.
Chatterboxes, Seductresses and Emotional Wrecks
This project studies the ostensible dichotomy between tradition and innovation in the portrayal of women in Hellenistic poetry, using the framework of anchoring innovation.
Caligula or the Personalisation of Power
This study asks what could happen with the dark picture of Caligula and his reign if analysed from non-literary sources.
Coining Roman rule?
The emergence of coinage in the ancient world has had a lasting impact on modern society. But how did coinage as a form of money first come to be accepted, and how was it used? This project addresses these questions for the Roman world.
Gods, Heroes, Myths
All stories build on the stories that came before them, but perhaps none more unabashedly than fanfiction. This project examines how fanfiction anchors and innovates story elements from Antiquity.
WordWise: Rhetoric for All!
WordWise is a pathbreaking initiative of Peitho (Radboud Centre for Rhetoric) and Radboud University’s Department of Political Science offering rhetoric as a means to educate responsible and resilient citizens.