Research projects

Result 1 - 8 of 8 results
  • Zwarte bril voor laptop. Kevin Ku. Pexels


    ATRIUM facilitates access to a wide range of reusable workflows and interoperable, composable services in the Arts and Humanities domain.

  • AI analysing human voice

    Responsible AI for Voice Diagnostics (RAIVD)

    This project refines healthcare/education by improving speech AI for neurodegenerative diagnosis and pronunciation assessment while ensuring privacy.

  • Icon for lungs

    Developing a digital COPD companion for Improving Lifestyle (DACIL)

    DACIL aims at supporting people with COPD by developing a digital coach that keeps track of the COPD in the home environment and provides advices if the COPD worsens.

  • typewriter with a paper saying fake news


    HYBRIDS aims to provide researchers with the knowledge necessary to design strategies and tools to respond to disinformation on the basis of a deep analysis of public discourse.

  • Woman signing in front of laptop

    The SignON Project

    SignON is a user-centric and community-driven project that aims to facilitate the exchange of information among Deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing individuals across Europe.

  • Stethoscoop op tafel

    HoMed (Homo Medicinalis)

    HoMed (Homo Medicinalis) will implement a SSH research infrastructure with an enormous potential for automatic transcription of sensitive audio-visual (AV) recordings.

  • Robot


    To gain more insight in someone's happiness and well-being, we work on the development of a conversational agent that speaks with people about daily life and well-being in Dutch.

  • Een kind leest van een tablet

    DART: Dutch Automatic Reading Tutor

    This project investigates how reading practice software with automatic speech recognition (ASH) and automatic feedback on reading aloud can best be developed and implemented in school practice and at home.