PhD research Jarmo Oppatja: Publiekrechtelijke vermogensrechten

2023 until 2028
Project member(s)
J. Oppatja (Jarmo)
Project type

Jarmo Oppatja is working on a dissertation with the working title 'Publiekrechtelijke vermogensrechten'.

Public law property rights are powers derived from public law that represent a certain economic value, such as greenhouse gas emission rights, environmental permits, mining concessions, subsidies and landing rights. These rights are rooted in administrative law, but at the same time form part of the assets of the person to whom the power belongs. This dual nature raises several questions - questions that have remained largely unanswered to date. This study addresses these questions on the basis of several themes: acquisition, loss, encumbrance, attachment, enforcement and insolvency. Particular attention is paid to the field of tension between private law on the one hand, more specifically property and insolvency law, and administrative (procedural) law on the other.

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