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PhD research Manon Hermans: The administrative body concept as a systemic concept in General Administrative Law

30 November 2019 until 30 November 2025
Project type

In a constitutional state, the government is bound by law. Therefore, it must also be clear who the government is, and who is bound by certain rules. The government concept from the General Administrative Law Act has several ambiguities and the question is whether this concept always correctly delimits the government. This question certainly arises when government tasks are performed by private parties.

The General Administrative Law Act is of great importance in the Dutch rule of law, as it provides rules on the government's administrative actions. These rules provide citizens with safeguards against government action and should therefore always apply when a government is involved. Manon Hermans' PhD research investigates whether the current government concept from the Awb, the concept of administrative body), is adequate.

An investigation into the government concept from the General Administrative Law Act, i.e. the administrative body concept, is extra important because the General Administrative Law Act is a system law in our administrative law. This law is therefore relevant to almost all administrative law issues!

Researching the administrative body concept can also contribute to the further development of administrative law and the General Administrative Law Act. The questions ‘who is government?’ and ‘to whom do these rules apply?’ are always important when adapting and developing administrative law.



The research findings will eventually be laid down in a dissertation. Interim publications include:

  • Hermans, M.C.A. (2023). On: ABRvS. (2023, February 1), JB 2023-4, 57, (Afwijzing aanvraag urgentieverklaring geen besluit. De urgentiecommissie en de Commissie die op bezwaar beslist zijn privaatrechtelijk opgezet en geen bestuursorgaan). p.373-376. ECLI:NL:RVS:2023:392.
  • Peters, J.A.F. & Hermans, M.C.A. (2022). Bestuursorgaan in de rechtsstaat. Draaipunt of obstakel? In R.J.N. Schlössels, J.J.J. Sillen & R.B.J. Tinnevelt (Eds.), Naar een weerbare rechtsstaat (Serie staat en recht, 55) (pp. 303-320). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
  • Hermans, M.C.A. (2022). On: ABRvS. (2022, March 9), JB 2022-4, 62, (Stichting Blik op Werk is een bestuursorgaan. Het toekennen van het Keurmerk Inburgeren heeft publiekrechtelijk rechtsgevolg en is dus openbaar gezag). p.418-426. ECLI:NL:RVS:2022:696.
  • Hermans, M.C.A. & Peters, J.A.F. (2020). On: ABRvS. (2020, November 4), JB 2020-14, 217, (Afwijzing van een uitkering uit een calamiteitenfonds). p.1243-1255.

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