PhD research Stan van der Meijden: Bestuursverantwoordelijkheid en cybersecurity

2023 until 2028
Project member(s)
S.J. van der Meijden (Stan)
Project type

Stan van der Meijden is working on a dissertation with the working title 'Bestuursverantwoordelijkheid en cybersecurity '.

"It is generally assumed in the Dutch literature that developing cybersecurity policy and strategy is the task and responsibility of the board. However, exactly what this 'cybersecurity task' entails has not yet been (comprehensively) mapped out. Nor has the extent to which directors can successfully be held personally liable for damages suffered as a result of a cyber incident been investigated in depth. As a result, it is currently unclear exactly what the board's cybersecurity duty entails and what the board's liability risks are as a result of cyber incidents. This brings legal uncertainty for board members.

Stan examines what the liability position of directors of limited liability companies is when the legal entity is affected by a cyber incident. Thus, he hopes to reduce the existing ambiguity and associated legal uncertainty."


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