Students often lack sufficient knowledge and skills in academic writing. They also regularly feel insecure about their language and writing skills. About half of the Radboud teachers also indicate that they are unable to provide education or feedback on the linguistic aspects of texts, although they do consider language skills important. How can the existing Academic Writing course optimally support students in their development process?
The university has recently started offering students a free Academic Writing course through its language policy, which is intended to support students and indirectly relieve subject teachers. Previous research has already shown that language skills, writing skills and self-efficacy are linked to the quality of academic texts and study success. Moreover, they reinforce each other's effect.
Desired solution
This voucher project researches how the Academic Writing course contributes to improving the self-efficacy, language and writing skills of third-year bachelor students of the Educational Sciences and Educational Sciences program. After analysis, the results of the research will be used to improve the course where necessary and to advise faculties and the university on the broader use of the Academic Writing course.
Action plan
To test the linguistic skills and self-efficacy, a questionnaire is administered and a rubric is completed by two groups. These groups consist of one intervention group that takes the course and one control group that follows regular education. The questionnaire and rubric are administered before and after the test. Smile sheets and focus groups are also used to determine which educational components work best.