Schrijvende student
Schrijvende student

Semi-public Corporate Law

January 2023 until December 2028
Project type

About this project

This project researches the independent nature of corporate law within the semi-public domain (healthcare, education, culture, and housing corporations) with a special focus on the governance of these organisations. The research includes the design of and cooperation between management and supervision, boardroom dynamics, collaborations between semi-public organisations and integrity issues (including conflicts of interest). 


The current results in this project have been published in: L.G.H.J. Houwen, mr.dr. C.F. Perquin-Deelen (red.), Handboek Semipubliek Ondernemingsrecht, Serie vanwege het Van der Heijden Instituut, deel 183, Deventer: Wolters Kluwer 2023.


Research Group: Van der Heijden Instituut.

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