Let me tell you a story. Walter is 56 years old and very ill. His wife, two children, friends and family know that Walter is going to have euthanasia within three weeks because Walter wants to die with dignity among his loved ones. It is very important to Walter that his family can say goodbye in a proper way and cope with their grief.
But what actually helps with this 'special' way of dying, knowing when it happens? How do they spend the last weeks or days together so that continuing to live on is as bearable as possible for the people Walter loves most? What 'special' or 'meaningful moments' are there?
I would like to research and answer these questions so that we can better guide those involved, such as Walter, his family and you, in the future.
Participating in this research
This research is part of a PhD study on what special moments help people in saying goodbye and in grieving. That's why I need you. I am looking for people and their families who are going to undergo euthanasia in the next 12-18 months. I am asking you if I can speak to and visit you once the euthanasia decision has been made, so that I can observe what 'meaningful moments' you have, or create to say goodbye to life but which can also offer comfort to those left behind. Through this, we can better support people in the future who will go down the same path.
To achieve the research goals, I need you...
iline.ceelen [at] ru.nl (Contact me)