Browser met OpenAI en ChatGPT uitleg
Browser met OpenAI en ChatGPT uitleg

ChatGPT and other AI chatbots

Artificial intelligence chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google Bard use large language models to generate quick, accessible answers to a variety of questions. It presents opportunities, but also risks. At Radboud University, research on this form of AI is being conducted from different angles.


Prof. I. Molenaar (Inge)
Prof. T. Sharon (Tamar)
Prof. I.J.E.I. van Rooij (Iris)
Dr A.C.P. Peeters (Anco)
Dr V. Blazevic (Vera)

Dr V. Blazevic (Vera)

Prof. A.P. de Vries (Arjen)
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Research news about ChatGPT and AI

Cover Whitepaper Neuromorphic Computing in the Netherlands

White paper highlights potential of brain-inspired computing

The white paper, "Neuromorphic Computing in the Netherlands", highlights significant domestic expertise in the field and advocates for the establishment of a national coalition to coordinate future efforts in alignment with other key technologies.

Persoon kijkt naar beeldscherm

Don’t believe the hype: AGI is far from inevitable

Will AI soon surpass the human brain? If you ask employees at OpenAI, Google DeepMind and other large tech companies, it is inevitable. However, researchers at Radboud University and other institutes show new proof that those claims are overblown.

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Computer output always lags behind; law is forward-looking

Automatisering van het recht is risicovol, en daarom is het belangrijk dat de juridische informatica van de toekomst door juristen en informatici samen ontwikkeld wordt en in lijn is met rechtsstatelijke waarborgen, aldus Mireille Hildebrandt.


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