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Stijging opleidingsniveau motor achter ontkerkelijking in Nederland


Researchers at Radboud University deal with fundamental questions about the nature and meaning of human beings in the world, including from a religious context. What role do religious traditions play in our history, but also in contemporary society?


Researchers from various faculties and research institutes are working on interdisciplinary research on the topic of religion. Journalists looking to contact these and other experts on religion can contact the university's press office via +31 24 361 6000, or media [at] (media[at]ru[dot]nl).

News about research into religion

Carmody Grey

Carmody Grey appointed professor by special appointment of Integral Ecology

Carmody Grey is per 1 oktober 2024 benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Integrale Ecologie aan het Laudato Si’-Instituut, binnen de Faculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen van de Radboud Universiteit.

Kaft in rood en wit van het boek 'Katholiek? Geen punt', van Jurijn Timon de Vos

Catholic identity? No reason to fret, for Radboud University administrators

On Wednesday 12 June 2024, historian Jurijn Timon de Vos will defend his PhD on the history of Radboud University.

Jongeren in een Marokkaans café

There are certainly non-religious Moroccans (they just don't stand out as much)

Anthropologist Lena Richter sheds light on how young atheists in Morocco and Europe use subtle forms of activism to normalise their non-religious identity. Richter will be defending her PhD thesis on this topic at Radboud University on 8 May.

Research projects about religion

Foto van twee orthodoxe religieuze posters

Rewriting Global Orthodoxy

Parishes and monasteries are also following the social trend of sustainability. The Rewriting Global Orthodoxy research project aims to examine and analyse the Catholic Netherlands’ approach to environmental friendliness and sustainability.

Tekst uit een boek van het onderzoek PASSIM

PASSIM project

PASSIM studies the medieval reception of the Latin sermons preached by the Early Church Fathers, using a digital network of manuscripts.

Eulalia (Making a martyr)

Making a martyr in medieval Iberia, 589-1080

This project will examine how liturgical sources communicated the ideal of martyrdom but always in dialogue with material evidence.

painting of a saint giving alms to pelgrims

The medieval ritual landscape

The project aims to uncover the history of ritual practices performed by ordinary people as part of their daily lives in medieval England (c. 1000-1600).

Painting of emperor Trajan with pagans

'Pagan' Virtues: Emperor Trajan as a Behavioral Model for Wayward Rulers

This project examines how Emperor Trajan was regarded as a behavioral model for rulers in the Middle Ages and Early Modern mirrors for princes.

Humour in Late Antiquity

In this project, the role of humour in late antiquity is investigated with a keen eye on the difference between dogmatic objections and everyday practice.

Find more research projects

Contact information

Media publications looking for information or in-depth explanation from experts about this theme can contact the Press Information and Science Communication team of Radboud University. We are also available for more information about current research, Phd defenses and other questions.

+31 24 361 60 00

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