Aquatic Ecology
Aquatic Ecology

Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences

The Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences (RIBES) aims to perform world leading research in order to understand the response of the natural environment to human impact. With this knowledge, the institute contributes to mitigating ecosystem degradation and finding solutions to restore the natural environment.


Sarian Kosten

Sarian Kosten nominated for Huibregtsen Prize 2024

The prize is intended for a recent research project that combines scientific quality and innovation with significant societal impact. Sarian Kosten receives the nomination for her project 'Aquatic systems in a warming climate'.

Visualisation of argonaute

Study reveals unified origin of life’s antiviral defenses

Dr. Pedro Leão, a new researcher at RIBES, combined protein lineage research with AI-powered protein structure prediction, showing that some proteins involved in our immune system evolved from an ancient common ancestor.

Fabrieken die CO2 uitstoten

Climate Council advises government: Act decisively and with policy on CO2 removal to meet climate goals

Active government action is needed to remove CO2 from our atmosphere. The Scientific Climate Council (WKR), of which Radboud University's Heleen de Coninck is deputy chair, argues that the government should focus policy on permanent CO2 removal.


Growing marsh plants for wetland restoration

Improving inference from ecological monitoring data

RIBES Day 2024

Integration of facilitation into seagrass restoration

Visiting address

Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences is located in the Huygens building in Nijmegen.

Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen


Get in touch with the research institute by contacting the RIBES office. Or follow us on Twitter/X, Mastodon, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.