Biomolecular Chemistry RIMLS researcher
Biomolecular Chemistry RIMLS researcher


Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS) focuses on epigenetics, stem-cell and developmental biology and computational biology. The central research theme is regulation of gene expression during development and in health and disease.


RIMLS is organised in 4 research departments, which all have their own state-of-the-art sequencing and proteomics facilities as well as a specialised bioinformatics team for in depth data analysis.

Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology
Studenten Biologie in een lab achter een microscoop

Human Biology

Human Biology
Women at work in molecular biology department

Molecular Developmental Biology

Molecular Developmental Biology


Research setting ALS research

RNA Sequencing of the Neuromuscular Junction in FUS-associated ALS

The project's goal is to gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie neuromuscular junction defects in ALS in order to identify potential therapeutic targets.

Zoomed in picture of an eye


Current treatments for cornea damage depend on stem cells in the patient's own healthy eye. This project will develop a novel regenerative technology to convert patient's skin and mouth cells into cornea stem cells to restore vision.