Studenten lopen in het voorjaar buiten het Maria Montessorigebouw
Studenten lopen in het voorjaar buiten het Maria Montessorigebouw

Radboud Social Cultural Research

Radboud Social Cultural Research (RSCR) is a research institute at the Faculty of Social Sciences. We investigate the societal phenomena of social inequality and inclusion. Through our research on changing inequalities, we aim to contribute to more equality in society.


Twee mensen schudden handen tijdens een sollicitatiegesprek

More objective application procedures ensure greater equality in selection, but managers still aren’t convinced

Leaving out personal data on CVs leads to a considerably higher chance of employers selecting candidates with a migration background. This is the conclusion of a large-scale study by Radboud University and Utrecht University.

man looking in empty wallet

Debate: Poverty explained to those with money (in Dutch)

On 18 October, Tim 'S Jongers will discuss his new book, Armoede Uitgelegd aan Mensen met Geld (in Dutch), with students. He will reveal why poverty remains a significant problem and what is wrong with current policies.


30 million euros for research into social cohesion

The SOCION consortium has acquired a 30 million euro NWO Summit Grant to research social cohesion.


Rethinking women’s public safety as care in urban spaces of hyperunsafety

Debate: Poverty explained to those with money (in Dutch)

Research projects

Mantelzorg vrouw met een klok

Long-term employment consequences of informal caregiving

In this project, we will describe and explain the long-term employment consequences of informal caregiving for caregivers in different life stages.

Vrouw achter computer

ICT-competency and inequality in student performance

We examine the role that aspects of information and communication technology (ICT) play in inequalities between family background and gender in educational outcomes.

Drie mannen en een vrouw op vier stoelen.

Breaking Into the Boys’ Club

This project collects unique data among the general workforce to provide new insights into the roles of unequal network composition and returns as explanations for gender disparities in career success.

Visiting address

Radboud Social Cultural Research is located in the Maria Montessori building (room 02.090) in Nijmegen.

Thomas van Aquinostraat 4
6525 GD Nijmegen


Get in touch with the research institute by contacting the RadboudSCR office.