It is important to set a good password. This way you increase your own digital security and the security of the Radboud University. You are obliged to change the password of your Radboud account once a year.
Requirements for the Radboud password
- The password must be between 10 and 40 characters long.
- The password must contain at least 1 lowercase letters.
- The password must contain at least 1 uppercase letters.
- The password must contain at least 2 letters.
- The password must contain at least 1 digits.
- The password must contain at least 1 special characters.
- The following are special characters: ! # % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? [ \ ] _ { } @ $ ^ _ | ' " ? ~ `
- You cannot reuse the 10 most recently used passwords.
- For security reasons a number of words are not allowed to be used in a password.
General tips for a safe password
- Use words or short phrases that are easy to remember. Phrases are harder to guess and therefore much more secure than a single word.
- Make sure your password is different (unique) everywhere. The risk of a password (phrase) becoming known increases and so does the risk to you as a user.
- Never share your password with others.