Working off campus

How to work from home or another place.

  • Off-campus access to files

    If you need to access your files when you are off-campus, you can use the RU-Connect program.

  • Problems with eduVPN

    Read what to do if you cannot connect to eduVPN.

  • Radboud-werkplek overnemen

    Lees hier hoe je je jouw Radboud-werkplek overneemt als je werkt vanaf een andere locatie.

  • Teams

    Microsoft Teams is an online collaboration tool. With this application, you can chat with people inside and outside Radboud University, make (video) calls, hold online meetings, manage tasks and schedules, and collaborate in real-time on documents.

  • VPN: off-campus access to systems

    VPN provides secure internet access, especially when you are using a public internet connection. VPN also provides access to all of the university’s systems.