Most of the campus parking facilities also have parking spaces that have been reserved for people with a physical handicap. View the map to see where the accessible parking spaces are located on campus.
Parking on campus is free for people with an official accessible parking permit. Ask at the reception of the building you were in for an exit card and use this to drive straight to the barrier. You can drive out for free.
Exemption from parking fees for people withs a physical handicap
You can request a free parking card as a student or employee under certain conditions. This applies to:
- Students and employees who travel by car due to a disability and who hold an accessible-parking permit (issued by the municipality).
- Students and employees who come to campus by car due to a temporary physical disability and do not hold an accessible-parking permit.
Application for exemption
Employees of Radboud University can apply for a exemption of payment for a parking through their manager.
Radboud University students can apply for a exemption of payment for a parking pass through the student dean to Student Affairs Department using the application form below (in Dutch). If the waiver is approved, you can use your campus card as a parking permit.