Complaints, objections and appeals

Do you have a complaint or disagree with something? On the pages below you can find more information about the various procedures.

Please note: is your feedback or complaint not about a decision that was addressed to you, but about certain behaviours of a student, staff member or organisational department? Then please contact the ombudsofficers or confidential advisor for students.

  • Lodging an appeal with the Examination Appeals Board

    If you disagree with a decision that was made by the Examining Board or an examiner, you can lodge an appeal with the Examination Appeals Board.

  • Contacting the Examination Board

    All faculties have an Examination Board. This Board monitors the academic level of the study programmes and ultimately determines whether you meet the requirements of the Education and Examination Regulations (EER) of your study programme.

  • Lodging a complaint

    If you, as a student, have ever been mistreated by a lecturer or other university staff member, or you are dissatisfied with the quality of the campus facilities, you may lodge a complaint or submit a suggestion.

  • Submit a request to the examination board (Social Sciences)

    Each programme within the Faculty of Social Sciences has its own examination board. The procedures for submitting a request to the examination board vary by programme.

  • Submit a request to the examination board of Nijmegen School of Management

    Each programme within the Nijmegen School of Management has its own examination board. The procedures for submitting a request to the examination board vary by programme.

  • Lodging an external appeal with the Council of State

    If your objection or appeal has been settled and you disagree with the outcome, you can appeal to the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State.

  • Disputes Committee

    Do you disagree with a decision of the dean or director? Please discuss this with your immediate supervisor. Are you unable to work out your differences together? You may submit an appeal to the Executive Board.

  • Annual reports students' legal protection

    The list includes the annual reports on the legal protection of students from 2017, containing the complaints, objections and appeals for each year.

  • Complaints Committee

    If you have experienced undesirable behaviour, you can file a complaint with the Executive Board.

  • Central Office Legal Protection Students

    You can lodge a complaint or lodge an objection or appeal against a decision that pertains to you through the Central Office Legal Protection Students.

  • Ombudsofficer Staff

    Helps if you have a question, report or complaint about the conduct of other employees or organisational units.