HR tools

As a manager, you can take various measures yourself to improve the working environment. In the HR measures toolkit, you will find both policy-based and operational measures at team and individual level.

Toolkit for supervisors

The tookit focuses on four themes: leadership, workload, career development and social safety. For each measure, it briefly describes what the intervention can offer as a solution. Besides substantive measures, you are invited to contact internal specialists to help them in their role. The contact details of these specialists are also included within each theme.


With questions, contact the HR staff member from your department.

Are you a director, manager or HR adviser, looking for expert advice? Or do you need more information about possible interventions, career development or vitality? Then contact one of the advisers from the central HR department Strategy, Policy and Development (SBO), or e-mail the general e-mail address hr-ontwikkeling [at] (hr-ontwikkeling[at]ru[dot]nl).

For specific questions, you can contact the: