Wyke Stommel bij Pijnlijke stiltes at Awkward Silences and Other Conversational Discomfort
Wyke Stommel bij Pijnlijke stiltes at Awkward Silences and Other Conversational Discomfort

Awkward Silences and Other Conversational Discomfort | Lecture and conversation with Linguistics scholar Wyke Stommel, Communication scholar Sara Bögels and improv theater

This programme was in Dutch, please visit the Dutch page for the complete recap and review.

Video | Podcast

Thursday 7 March 2024 | 20.00 – 21.30 hrs| Lecture Hall Complex (CC), Radboud University | Radboud Reflects en Faculty of Arts

Awkward silences, crickets, eyes searching for the exit. A first date is often uncomfortable. Participants in verbal courtship rituals search for words and hunt for common ground. Few situations showcase how conversations work—or don't—as well. Using scenes from the TV program 'First Dates,' language scientist Wyke Stommel analyzes why conversations can be so cringe and awkward. Learn about the hidden systems beneath conversations.



The review is available in Dutch

Visit the Dutch page

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