Ignaas Devisch bij Gezond genoeg? | Lezing en gesprek met filosoof Ignaas Devisch
Ignaas Devisch bij Gezond genoeg? | Lezing en gesprek met filosoof Ignaas Devisch

Healthy Enough? | Lecture and conversation by philosopher Ignaas Devisch

This programme was in Dutch. Please visit the Dutch page for the complete recap en review.

Video | Podcast

Monday 22 January 2024 | LUX | Radboud Reflects 

When are you healthy? Being healthy has long ceased to mean "not being sick. It has become a value, an ideal to which you should aspire. But the tricky thing with an ideal is that you can never quite achieve it. You can always be healthier, fitter, more athletic, more conscious. Is there such a thing as healthy enough? And how does the way we look at health affect our individual freedom and responsibility? Pursuing health can become an unhealthy obsession that turns it into the opposite. Learn from philosopher Ignaas Devisch about the the way health defines our lives.

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Ignaas Devisch bij Gezond genoeg? | Lezing en gesprek met filosoof Ignaas Devisch
Ignaas Devisch - Foto Ramon Tjan
Saar Boter en Ignaas Devisch bij Gezond genoeg? | Lezing en gesprek met filosoof Ignaas Devisch
Saar Boter en Ignaas Devisch - Foto Ramon Tjan
Saar Boter en Ignaas Devisch bij Gezond genoeg? | Lezing en gesprek met filosoof Ignaas Devisch
Saar Boter en Ignaas Devisch in LUX - Foto Ramon Tjan

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Philosophy, Behaviour, Society, Science, Health & Healthcare