Every week, we organise various religious activities and celebrations. This page lists all our recurring religious activities.
Celebrations on Sundays and public holidays
Day | Time | Activity |
Sunday | 11.00 - 12.00 * ** | Bi-weekly ecumenical celebration for young and old, followed by coffee/tea and occasional community activities. At 10 am, the choir rehearses for this celebration. |
17.00 - 18.00 | English-speaking Holy Mass, followed by a community activity | |
Tuesday | 12.45 - 13.15 * | English-speaking Holy Mass |
Wednesday | 12.45 - 13.15 * | Taizé celebration |
Thursday | 12.45 - 13.15 * | English-speaking Holy Mass |
Last Sunday of the month | 15.00 - 17.00 | Silent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and opportunity for confession |
Second Sunday of the month | 21.00 - 21.30 * | Vespers (Latin) |
* No celebration during holidays.
** Once every two weeks, weekly during Advent and Lent.
Bible study
Reading and discussing the Bible together. Everyone can share with the others what inspires them in the text they read, and questions can be asked. There is a men-only Bible-reading group and a women-only Bible-reading group.
Sign up
Please send an e-mail to joseph.geelen [at] ru.nl for more info and/or to sign up.
Faith discussion groups
Table Talks
Every fourth Sunday of the month, after the 5 pm Sunday Mass, we meet in the University Chaplaincy to study topics related to the (Catholic) faith and/or the (Catholic) Church. Think, for example, of topics such as the seven sacraments, the liturgy of Holy Mass and Modern Devotion. Both students and staff are welcome. Prior to the Table Talks, we will first have a joint picnic in the living room of the University Chaplaincy. The Table Talks will be guided by our student pastor Jos Geelen.
I believe it or not
Or come think and talk about God, faith, good and evil, the Bible, Christianity or other religions in our discussion group 'I believe it or not'. Keep an eye on our agenda and Instagram page for the next edition. These sessions are guided by our student pastor Marieke Fernhout.
Excursions, pilgrimages and trips
We regularly organise trips to cultural and religious sites in the Benelux and Europe. For instance, every year we go to Auschwitz and for a retreat week to Taizé in France. But we also make smaller trips such as a day trip to the Stille Omgang in Amsterdam, an excursion to Oudenbosch and visiting a Christmas market.
Sign up
Interested in joining us for an excursion, pilgrimage or other trip? Keep an eye on our website and Instagram page.
Confession, baptism and marriage
If you feel the need to confess, you can joseph.geelen [at] ru.nl (make an appointment) with student pastor Jos Geelen. You can come to confession without an appointment on the last Sunday of the month between 3 pm and 5 pm.
On Sunday, during or after the Sunday celebration, parents who have a connection with Radboud University or HAN University of Applied Sciences can have their child baptised. For students or employees of Radboud University and HAN University of Applied Sciences who wish to be baptised as an adult, there is a special course - called catechumenate; which runs from October to May.
Employees and students of Radboud University and HAN University of Applied Sciences can join us for a wedding celebration in our church. Prior to the celebration, there are some talks in preparation, often together with other couples.
Special activities during Advent and Lent
During Advent, we organise a Golden Mass every Wednesday at 7.30 am. This is a Holy Mass in a church lit only by candles. After Holy Mass, there is an Advent breakfast each time.
During Lent, we organise a Lenten meal every Thursday. In silence, we eat a simple meal while listening to one or more texts. At the end, we collect for our Lenten action. The entire amount collected is donated to a jointly chosen charity.
In addition, you can pray the Stations of the Cross during Lent on Fridays during office hours. Prayer books for your own use will be available in the church.
More information
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday from 10.00 til 17.00.
Friday from 10.00 til 15.00.
Social media
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Contact us
Do you have a question about any of our activities? Then please feel free to contact us using the details below.