Agenda for staff

Result 1 - 20 of 130 results
  • Ikona tentoonstelling

    IKONA | Holy women in Orthodox Christian art

    IKONA | Holy women in Orthodox Christian art, is a special exhibition at Icon Museum in Kampen. IKONA deals with the portrayal of women and their various roles in Orthodox art. The exhibit ends on 29 September 2024.

  • Een zwart-wit tekening van de Grotestraat met mensen op de voorgrond

    SOOS meeting: The History of the Grotestraat

    In this SOOS meeting, René van Hoften will give an interesting lecture about the history of the Grotestraat.

  • Beeld bij AA over de Langstudeerboete

    The Long-term Study Penalty

    Why does the government want to reintroduce the long-term study penalty? What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages?

  • Filosoof Roman Krznaric

    History for Tomorrow. Inspiration from the Past for the Future of Humanity

    How to stay hopeful in uncertain times? Australian philosopher Roman Krznaric offers a message of radical hope in his latest book 'History for Tomorrow. Inspiration from the Past for the Future of Humanity'.

  • NeurotechEU logo zonder tekst

    Donders Session: NeurotechEU and Donders Institute

    Join us for an exciting Donders Session, where we explore the synergies between the Donders Institute and NeurotechEU, the European University of Brain and Technology.

  • workshop

    Workshop Radboud Dissertation Series

    A Radboud University Press workshop will take place on Thursday 19 September 2024. During this workshop, the service ‘Publish your dissertation through Radboud Dissertation Series’ will be explained.

  • Publish your dissertation via 'Radboud Dissertation Series'

    Publish your dissertation via 'Radboud Dissertation Series'

    Come to our workshop for PhD candidates on how to publish your dissertation in the Radboud Dissertation Series.

  • Het Trigon-gebouw

    Theme meetings for Donderians

    Theme meetings will be organized every third Thursday, every two months, such that all Donderians have the opportunity to join multiple theme meetings.

  • Spotlight on statistics

    Spotlight on statistics

    Colloquium or discussion for researchers and BSI Research Masters students within the BSI about statistics for research about behaviour. William van der Veld will present a plea for the use of R and R Markdown in research and also in teaching.

  • Publish your dissertation via 'Radboud Dissertation Series'

    Publish your dissertation via 'Radboud Dissertation Series'

    Come to our workshop for PhD candidates on how to publish your dissertation in the Radboud Dissertation Series.

  • Picture of dr. Laura Speed

    CLS Talks: Laura Speed

    The monthly CLS Talks showcase research done within the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) with the aim to increase awareness of the ongoing research in the institute. This month, dr. Laura Speed will be exploring language in aphantasia.

  • Dean Bury

    Locating American Studies

    To mark the 35th anniversary of the American Studies program, a keynote event will be held with special guest Dean Burry.

  • Radboud Reflects @Peace by Peace festival - 80 jaar vrijheid

    Radboud Reflects @Peace by Peace festival

    Radboud Reflects is part of Peace by Peace, the 80 years of freedom festival. In a short programme, a scientist will make you think further about freedom.

  • Beeld bij programma over Nick Cave; geloof, hoop en popmuziek

    Nick Cave; Faith, Hope and Pop Music

    Dutch lecture and conversation | Radboud Reflects and Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies

  • Theme 3 Colloquium

    Theme 3 Colloquium

    On 24 September 2024 Mathias Kläui will be the Theme 3 Colloquium speaker. He is an expert in nanomagnetism from the Institute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

  • CRS Session: Literacy, Moral and Civic Personhood, and the Racial Contract

    CRS Session: Literacy, Moral and Civic Personhood, and the Racial Contract

    Visiting RICH-Fellow and professor of philosophy Ron Sundstrom invites us to reflect on the role of literacy in Frederick Douglass’s abolitionism, against the background of Mills’s influential concept of the Racial Contract.

  • Prof. Rosario González Férez, Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear & Instituto Carlos I de Física Teórica y Computacional, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain

    IMM Colloquium

    You are welcome to join the monthly IMM colloquium

  • banner Hero entrepreneurs

    Vibe of the Future: HERO Entrepreneurs

    Entrepreneurial event aimed at students, alumni, and faculty from both the Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen and Radboud University.

  • Beeld van een doolhof gemaakt van touwen met knopen erin

    Drowning In Regulation

    We are completely surrounded by rules and regulations. What does this say about how we humans think and organise society? Are we doomed to get lost deeper and deeper in the maze of rules or is there a way out?

  • ESDG workshop: Nicholas Sy

    ESDG workshop: Nicholas Sy

    This workshop is part of the monthly seminars of the section Economic, Social and Demographic History of the Department of History.