Groepsfoto USR/USC
Groepsfoto USR/USC

Future-proof participation

2024 until 2025
Project type
Organisational / HR
Administrative Office

Strong participation is essential for our university community. As a special university, Radboud University can deviate from the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, WHW) within its governance. However, the current deviations can create ambiguity and lead to differences in interpretation and thus discussions on procedures rather than content. The aim of the future-proof participational project is to formulate a proposal that is as close as possible to the WHW , while keeping in mind our identity and the legal personality of our university, in order to create more clarity and uniformity.

To optimise this, we are starting, on behalf of the University Joint Assembly and the Executive Board, to formulate a proposal that offers a fully-fledged alternative to the current employee participation system and its regulations. The intended result is future-proof employee participation in which procedures are clear and people can discuss the content constructively.

A detailed account of the bachgroud for this project is attached as a download (in Dutch).

How do we proceed?

We will seek consensus on a new co-determination system, including the necessary regulations. This proposal will be submitted to the relevant bodies. The special nature, identity and legal personality of Radboud University require a careful process involving our entire academic community. The process therefore includes a broad discussion with all stakeholders to ensure that we include all perspectives.


The trajectory starts with a kick-off symposium, on 11 October 2024, followed by three pick-up sessions in November and January. In these sessions, we collect input from all participation bodies. Based on this, a writing group will work on a proposal, with a first version in early January. After rounds of feedback and testing for support and feasibility, the final proposal will be submitted to the university joint assembly at the end of March 2025.

Strong employee participation is something we do together: have your say!

All staff and students are part of our academic community and have an interest in strong co-determination. We therefore invite everyone to contribute to this process and work together towards a clear and widely supported system. The first opportunity to have a say will be during the Symposium on Future-proof Participation on 11 October 2024. This symposium serves as the kick-off of this project. Further opportunities to have a say will be shared on this page.

Symposium Future-proof Participation

Input, suggestions or questions? 

Strong employee participation is something we do together. The project team therefore appreciates all input, suggestions and questions. Please feel free to contact  Tom van der Wulp or Rizka Simons via werkgroewhw [at] (werkgroewhw[at]ru[dot]nl)