Digitally taking an assessment

If you are thinking about digitally taking an assessment, it is important to have a clear overview of everything involved. Digital assessment has consequences for the assessment design and, as well as appraisal and inspection. We explain what you need to do step-by-step.


  1. Step 1 Orientation and introduction

    You get to know the possibilities of digital assessment, the available tools at Radboud University, and the existing process. You can find the information in this manual and via the Faculty Digital Assessment Coördinator (FDAC) at your faculty. It can also be very helpful to ask several colleagues and students about their experiences.

    Tip: think about what role assessment plays in your course.

  2. Step 2 Signing up and intake

    You let the FDAC at your faculty know you would like to make use of digital assessment in your course. Together you talk about whether the possibilities of digital assessment suit your needs for the assessment and the time frame for implementing digital assessment in your course.

  3. Step 3 Preparations for taking an assessment

    The FDAC helps you get to know the assessment software and will advise you on which applications might be interesting for you. You construct the assessment and test its functioning in coordination with the FDAC.

    Tip: have a look at which questions you can assess with the assessment software Ans.

  4. Step 4 Taking the assessment

    The assessment will be taken in the digital assessment location of Radboud University, the Comenius building. The assessment will be carried out and supported by E-support employees, invigilators, and the FDAC. As the examiner, you are available at the time.

    Read more on digital assessment in the Comenius building.

  5. Step 5 Grading and processing the results

    The FDAC helps you on your way with the appraisal and analysis of your assessment in the assessment software. There are different ways in which the assessment software can support your appraisal process. The FDAC can give you advice. After all results are final, you export them so you can publish the grades in OSIRIS.

  6. Step 6 Inspection

    An inspection can take place on campus or from home. Together with the FDAC you coordinate where and when the inspection takes place. In coordination with the FDAC and scheduling officer, the inspection is scheduled.

    Read more

  7. Step 7 Evaluation

    You can evaluate digital assessment within your course together with the FDAC. The FDAC can advise you on possible steps for quality assurance (such as the availability of the assessment in the course file).