Video was the best medium for this, because this way the viewer is really shown what the virtual classroom looks like. Myrte experienced working with the REC team as really positive, “What I found really great about working together was the feedback during recording. I never did anything like this before, so I was quite nervous, but it went really well.” She is really happy about the end result. She says “I would tell colleagues who are thinking about using videos to just do it!”
Myrte van Hilten about educational videos at Radboud in’to Languages
I would tell colleagues who are thinking about using videos to just do it!
- Name
- Myrte van Hilten
- Current role
- Lecturer English and Academic Communication at Radboud in’to Languages
Myrte van Hilten teaches English and works in Academic Communication at Radboud in’to Languages. With the help of Radboud Educational Clips (REC) she has created a video for In’to about how teaching in the virtual classroom works.