Inquisitive attitude in education

What makes my education fascinating? How do my students learn? Why do I think this learning activity works? These are questions you can ask yourself as a lecturer. An inquisitive attitude means that you keep a critical eye on yourself. This will keep you on your toes. In this way, you can let your education move along with the learning needs of students and connect with what is needed for the development of the professionals of the future. But where do you start? 

Theme leader of education research at the Teaching and Learning Centre, Merel van der Wal, explains why an inquisitive attitude in education is so important and what the difference is between an inquisitive attitude and doing research.

Getting started

Do you want to question, figure out or research an aspect of your education? You can do this in different ways. Some ways are more accessible than others. On this page, you will find a couple of specific tips to get started with an inquisitive attitude. 

1. Keep your knowledge up-to-date with the TLC newsletter 

The newsletter of the Radboud Teaching and Learning Centre keeps you informed about activities, training courses and the latest news about educational research. Every month, a researcher will be introduced to you and a study on education will be shared with you.  

  • Radboud University lecturers receive the newsletter in their mailbox by default.
  • External parties can sign up


2. Make use of your course evaluation 

Use the course evaluations as a moment to take a critical look at your education. Think about what you want to know from the students in advance. Also, evaluate during your lectures and talk to students about their evaluation points. 

3. Spar with experts 

There are several experts who can think along with you. For example, you can contact colleagues of the Teaching Information Point in your faculty or the Teaching and Learning Centre, such as the teacher ambassador of your faculty. 

4. Join a Special Interest Group  

In a Special Interest Group (SIG), lecturers and students come together to dive into a particular educational theme and exchange knowledge and experiences.

5. Start a TLC voucher project 

A voucher provides you and your colleagues the opportunity to try new things in education and learn from that experience. You can also use a voucher to research something within your education that has caught your attention. 

Voucher programme


Would you like to spar about your education or would you like someone to take a look with you? Contact the colleagues of your faculty's Teaching Information Point or the people of the Radboud Teaching and Learning Centre, such as the teacher ambassador in your faculty.