Events for lecturers

  • Student met VR-bril op

    Meet-up SIG eXtended Reality

    On Thursday 24 October, the SIG eXtended Reality in education is organising a meet-up with the theme ‘Immersive Technology’. We kick off with the long-awaited arrival of a new XR device - from unpacking to trying it out for yourself!

  • SIG Neurodiversiteit

    SIG meeting on Neurodiversity in education

    Before the summer, the SIG Neurodiversity in education was established. On 29 October, the second meeting of this SIG will take place and anyone with an interest in how neurodiversity can have a better place on this campus is welcome to join.

  • Twee mensen op een bankje in het groen bij een gebouw op de campus.

    Meet-up SIG Sustainability

    What is the role of the university in empowering learners and teachers to take informed decisions and responsible action in a changing, uncertain, and complex world?

  • Groep pratende mensen tijdens een borrel

    TLC Education Café – Proud to be a lecturer

    Nanne Migchels and Henning Meredig will tell about what it means to them to be a lecturer. What makes them so eager (and apparently) good at their job? At what moments are they proud of their profession and when do they lose heart?

  • TLC innovatielunch

    TLC Innovation Lunch November

    Qualitative research is a very hands on research that requires the researcher to be in the field. Often times students struggle to see this in action, given most of of our assignments have to be done in class.

  • Groen grasveld met de letters 'create'.

    SIG Arts-Based Methods in Education

    This new special interest group revolves around the question how to productively use arts-based methods in education. I invite anyone who is interested in using arts-based methods in education to the first meeting of this SIG on November 18.

  • Twee collega's overleggen

    SIG meeting on Interdisciplinary Education

    During this meeting, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your own practice using the design tool ‘Interdisciplinary education according to constructive alignment’.

  • PPO-inspiratiesessie

    Meet-up SIG Assessment

    Can you create an assessment that is AI-resistant for the next ten years? On Thursday 21 November, staff from HAN University of Applied Sciences will visit the SIG Assessment to give a workshop on how to create an AI-resistant Assessment.

  • Twee mensen op een bankje in het groen bij een gebouw op de campus.

    Meet-up SIG Sustainability

    What is the role of the university in empowering learners and teachers to take informed decisions and responsible action in a changing, uncertain, and complex world?

  • Twee mensen op een bankje in het groen bij een gebouw op de campus.

    Meet-up SIG Sustainability

    What is the role of the university in empowering learners and teachers to take informed decisions and responsible action in a changing, uncertain, and complex world?

  • Twee mensen op een bankje in het groen bij een gebouw op de campus.

    Meet-up SIG Sustainability

    What is the role of the university in empowering learners and teachers to take informed decisions and responsible action in a changing, uncertain, and complex world?

  • Twee mensen op een bankje in het groen bij een gebouw op de campus.

    Meet-up SIG Sustainability

    What is the role of the university in empowering learners and teachers to take informed decisions and responsible action in a changing, uncertain, and complex world?